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South carolina white population 2020 - south carolina white population 2020South carolina white population 2020 - south carolina white population 2020.South Carolina White Population Percentage by County
How has the population changed in Berkeley County? County changes over time. Census Bureau. Share This. How many people live in Berkeley County? Population in Berkeley County. How has Berkeley County's population changed over the years? Annual population change in Berkeley County.
How has Berkeley County's racial and ethnic populations changed? Population by race and ethnicity in Berkeley County. Hide Hispanic ethnicity. How has the racial and ethnic makeup of Berkeley County changed? Racial makeup of Berkeley County Hide Hispanic ethnicity. How old is the population in Berkeley County? Population by age in Berkeley County.
How has the distribution of ages in Berkeley County changed? Age makeup of Berkeley County Include Hispanic ethnicity. How have the age and sex demographics of Berkeley County changed? Total population in The five largest ancestry groups in South Carolina identified by respondents to the US census are African American From until , African slaves and their descendants made up a majority of the state's population.
See census data below. Whites became a majority in the state after that date, following the migration of tens of thousands of blacks to northern industrial cities in the Great Migration.
In the 21st century, most of the African-American population in the state lives in the Lowcountry and the Midlands areas, historically areas of their greatest concentrations of population. Females made up approximately Those who self-identify as having American ancestry are of mostly British Isles ancestry: English and Scots-Irish stock.
Note: Births in table do not add up, because Hispanics are counted both by their ethnicity and by their race, giving a higher overall number. Charleston — Columbus Street. Charleston — Atlantic Street at E. Battery Street. Columbia — Skyline from Arsenal Hill. Spartanburg — Historical buildings on West Main. Greenville — Skyline by night. Greenville — Falls in Downtown area. Hilton Head Island — Harbour Town. North Charleston — City Hall.
Myrtle Beach. South Carolina's metropolitan statistical areas MSAs are much larger than their central city population counts suggest. South Carolina law makes it difficult for municipalities to annex unincorporated areas, so city proper populations look smaller than is reflected in the total metropolitan populations.
For example, Myrtle Beach has a municipal population of less than 50, persons, but its MSA has more than , persons. Anderson's municipal population is smaller than Sumter's, but the Anderson MSA is larger, as seen below. Columbia, Charleston, and Greenville all have urbanized area populations between ,—,, while their metropolitan statistical area MSA populations are each more than , As of [14].
South Carolina residents are majority Protestant Christian, with a lower percentage of people claiming no religious affiliation than the national average. The religious affiliations of the people of South Carolina are as follows:. Sephardic Jews have lived in the state for more than years, [16] [17] [18] especially in and around Charleston.
Many came from London, where they were merchants. The proportion of Roman Catholics in the state has been increasing given migrants from the North and immigration from Latin America. The years listed prior to that are estimates and exclude the Native American population. From until , the designated demographic classifications were white , black slave and free black. Following the Civil War , the racial groupings were white, black and other. The following is a list of census data for the state of South Carolina: [20].
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. See also: Demographics of the United States. See also: List of South Carolina counties. Main article: List of cities and towns in South Carolina. United States Census Bureau.
Archived from the original on May 8, Retrieved December 6,
South carolina white population 2020 - south carolina white population 2020 -
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